Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Is Combating...

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) is the unit of the United Nations (UN) charged with combating illicit drugs, terrorism, and other criminal activity. It is headquartered in Vienna, Austria, and has twenty-one field offices and a liaison office in New York. The agency has approximately 500 members across the globe who develop and enforce drug control policies that are responsive to their individual needs. The UNODC’s work program consists of three major pillars. The first of these is research and analysis of substance abuse issues and the relationship of these concerns to policy and operational decisions. The second is the promotion of treaties and legislation among member nations to develop programs to counter drug†¦show more content†¦The agency’s Global Program for Trafficking in Human Beings was created to thwart the rapidly growing problems of the smuggling of migrants for labor purposes and the trafficking of people for prostitution, slave labor, and the sex industry. The Global Program against Transnational Crime attempts to supply member states with information, data, training, and policy formation strategies to combat organized transnational criminal activity. The Global Program against Corruption focuses on helping member nations establish procedures to reduce corruption in government by implementing watchdog strategies. The Global Program against Terr orism assists members in enacting legislative policies designed to prevent and suppress terrorist activity and works in tandem with the Counter-Terrorism Committee of the Security Council, the Office of Legal Affairs, and local organizations. The UNODC also operates a Legal Advisory Program that provides assistance to member nations in the development of legal and structural frameworks for the successful execution of programs designed to fight drug problems and the accompanying criminal issues of terrorism, money laundering, and others. The UNODC’s Global Assessment Program is directly involved with initiatives designed to reduce the spread of HIV through the prevention of drug use. 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